My Name is Frenchell Collins. I have been married to my Darling Husband (DH) for 5 years and we have two children. Currently I am deciding on whether or not we should have another child, prepping myself for med school (which truthfully is eons of years away), and mentally adjusting to the fact that i will be moving to Utah soon.

I work from home and try to manage the mommy thing at the same time. Some days are better than others.

To my family, extended family, friends, and stuck up people i know:
This is "my" blog..most of what I will say will be too much information, or you will somehow be offended by something that is said..because it is just a given that some of you are more sensitive and easily offended than others. I do know my boundaries and you don't have to worry about me crossing them and completely outing you and whatever strange secrets that i know about you, or that you know i know but we pretend that i don't know.